I have a special place in my heart for reluctant readers. Sometimes kids who struggle with reading get frustrated by early readers that seem babyish.
Reluctant Reader Tip #1: head to the early reader section in the library. There should be a fiction side with familiar series like Elephant and Piggie, Frog and Toad, Biscuit, etc. But there is also a non-fiction area with early readers about all kinds of topics! And they often have fewer, less complicated words than their fiction counterparts. These books are small but mighty. You are bound to find titles that are more appealing to reluctant readers, including sports, animals, seasons, history, etc.

They get access to topics that interest them and their peers. They get to share fun facts that they read about on their own. They don’t have to work hard and just get to enjoy a book.
Try these…
- The Cockroach (Disgusting Critters) by Elise Gravel
- It’s a Good Thing There are Bats Rookie Science Reader by Joanne Mattern
- Fly Guy Presents: Monster Trucks by Tedd Arnold
- 21 Amazing Animals That Live in the Tundra by Selena Dale
- Can a Tree Be Blue? by Audrey Sauble
- Who Lives Here? Polar Animals by Deborah Hodge
- Animal Homes (Ranger Rick) by Jennifer Bove
- Animals in Winter by Henrietta Bancroft
- Ladybug magazine subscription from Cricket